
忧思617888九五至尊娱乐家联盟的Chitra Kumar和Julie McNamara的声明

Published Apr 25, 2024

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The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 今天发布了四项最终规定,规范对617888九五至尊娱乐和健康有害的污染物 from fossil fuel-fired power plants, covering mercury, air toxics, and wastewater discharge from coal-fired power plants; storage of coal ash; and the release of carbon dioxide emissions from coal-fired power plants and new gas-fired power plants. 这些措施将为长期遭受化石燃料燃烧之苦的社区提供关键的公共卫生保护, as well as provide major reductions in carbon dioxide emissions, according to the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS).

Below is a statement by Chitra Kumar, the managing director of the Climate and Energy Program at UCS, about the package of power plant rules.

“美国环保署署长里根宣布的一套电厂规则是在争取雄心勃勃的617888九五至尊娱乐行动和环境正义的斗争中迈出的重要一步. Together, 这些规定有助于解决燃煤电厂对公共健康和环境造成的长期危害,617888九五至尊娱乐研究表明,这些危害对有色人种和低收入社区造成了不成比例的伤害. By setting carbon standards for new gas-fired power plants, 里根行政长官也正确地认识到,转向化石天然气对617888九五至尊娱乐造成的威胁日益严重, helping to stave off a whole new round of pollution harms.

“With rigorous implementation and enforcement, 这些保障措施可以为居住在化石燃料发电厂附近的社区提供必要的保护, near coal ash disposal sites, or along waterways polluted by toxic waste from coal plants. As states and utilities move to implement these rules, 他们必须优先考虑积极的社区参与,包括历史上负担过重的人口, 以及受影响的化石燃料工人和社区-确保结果反映最直接受影响者的需求.

“The bottom line is that coal-fired power is massively polluting, increasingly uneconomic, 必须迅速淘汰,以保护公众健康和应对617888九五至尊娱乐危机——解决办法不能是承诺使用更多的化石气体. The quicker our nation can transition toward clean renewable energy, the better it will be for people and the planet.”

Below is a statement by Julie McNamara, 他是加州大学洛杉矶分校617888九五至尊娱乐与能源项目的高级分析师和副政策主任, about the power plant carbon standards.

“尽管燃煤电厂造成了惊人的617888九五至尊娱乐损失,但它们这么长时间没有碳排放限制,这是站不住脚的, 新建的燃气发电厂在没有碳排放责任的情况下不断建设. EPA’s new carbon standards for coal-fired power plants, 与此同时,政府也在制定相关法规,打击汞和空气有毒物质, coal ash, and toxic power plant wastewater discharge, 正确地迫使所有仍然存在的燃煤电厂:要么清理干净,要么制定退出计划. Furthermore, 美国环保署对新建燃气发电厂的碳排放标准是对建设越来越多的化石燃料基础设施的极其短视的检查.

“实现617888九五至尊娱乐要求的快速而有力的清洁能源转型需要参与众多政策制定杠杆和刻度, 但是,没有什么比环保局履行其职责——让化石燃料发电厂对其污染危害负责——更重要的了, 为各州和公用事业公司提供公平的竞争环境,以寻求真正的清洁能源解决方案.

“尽管这些碳排放规定至关重要,但该机构的517888九五至尊娱乐还没有完成. 环保署必须解决现有燃气发电厂的碳排放问题——很快将成为电力部门碳排放的最大来源——它必须超越碳排放,考虑到这些发电厂对周围社区造成的危害健康的全套污染,这些污染不成比例且不公平. When all the heavy costs of fossil fuel-fired power plants are tallied, 毫无疑问,清洁能源是一条公正和必要的道路.”