

The US food system 应该 be providing healthy, sustainably produced food for all. 而不是, 它正在损害我们的健康, 我们的土地和水, 我们的社区, 还有农民和食品工人. 我们可以做得更好.


The US food system 应该 be providing healthy, sustainably produced food for all. 而不是, 它正在损害我们的健康, 我们的土地和水, 我们的社区, 还有农民和食品工人. 我们可以做得更好.


食物 is woven deeply into the fabric of our daily lives. 它滋养我们的身体, 将社区联系在一起, and provides a good living for the millions of people who work to produce, 分发, 然后卖掉它. And it does all this while sustaining and regenerating the resources that it depends on.

至少,食物 应该 做所有这些事情. But the current US food system too often plays a different—and destructive—role. 而不是 of keeping us healthy, it fuels epidemics of diabetes and heart disease. 而不是支持强大的社区, 它剥削工人, 加剧了种族和收入不平等, 并从当地经济中抽走资金. 而不是在一个有弹性的, 可持续的方式, 今天占主导地位的耕作方式破坏了景观, 污染空气和水, 加速617888九五至尊娱乐变化.

These problems didn’t arise by accident: they are the result of policies driven by narrow private interests rather than the public good.

The good news is that we know how to build a better food system—one that provides healthy, sustainably produced food for all and treats everyone at every stage of the system fairly. 不断增长的农民运动, 工人, 617888九五至尊娱乐家们, community activists and eaters is working to make this vision a reality. UCS是这一运动的一部分 你可以帮忙.




Consumer choices alone won’t be enough to transform the system, but they can help. 在可能的情况下, you can vote for sustainability by buying organic produce and dairy; for fairness to 工人 by buying certified fair fruits and vegetables; and for strong rural communities by buying from local and regional farmers.


Livestock in today’s food system are responsible for a substantial chunk of our climate emissions. An average family of four that cuts its meat intake in half will avoid roughly three tons of emissions annually—and enjoy better health as a bonus.


Government policies like the farm bill and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans can be a powerful force for improving our food system—but only if we raise our voices and make sure our representatives know this matters to us.

What I appreciate about UCS is they’re looking at the farm bill not thru one policy, 但是在很多不同的问题上. That’s helpful for pushing a broad bill across the finish line. 他们是一个大的组织.




