New Analysis Shows Racial Disparities in 2020 Election


Published Aug 6, 2024

Washington (August 7, 2024)—In the hotly contested 2020 election, 结果显示,几个关键州的票数相对较少,而这些州很可能在2024年的大选中起决定性作用. While 2020 saw historically high turnout, too many potential voters are still excluded from the process.

In a new analysis, Race and Representation in Battleground Counties, 忧思617888九五至尊娱乐家联盟(UCS)密切关注2020年7个摇摆州11个关键县的实际选举数据. 这些数字显示了在投票率和选票接受度上的显著种族差异——这一差距意味着黑人和棕色人种的选民在选举中的代表性明显不足.

“看看选举的实际数据,看看你住的地方在多大程度上决定了你的声音是否在选举中被听到,这是令人震惊的,” said Liza Gordon-Rogers, research associate with the Center for Science and Democracy at UCS. “相隔几个街区的人在政治过程中可能会有完全不同的经历, and that has real consequences for election outcomes. 如果黑人和布朗社区的选票不太可能被统计,他们的需求和利益就不太可能在政府中得到反映.”

The new analysis is available in an interactive map that, for the first time, 显示了2020年各选区的投票率和投票拒绝情况.

Across the 11 counties in the analysis, 白人占多数的选区投票率最高(平均投票率为78%),黑人占多数(59%)和西班牙裔占多数(54%)的选区投票率要低得多. 即使在同一个县的不同选区,这种模式也很明显.

此外,从实际统计的选票来看,这些差异还会扩大. Where information is available, 拒选率最低的选区平均投票率超过75%, 拒选率最高的选区平均投票率接近60%. 有色人种社区更有可能拒绝缺席或临时选票, 而在白人占多数的选区,选民的选票更有可能被计算在内:大约40%的黑人和西班牙裔占多数的选区是拒签率最高的地区, while only 20% of majority-white precincts fall into this category. 此前的研究表明,绝大多数选票被否决是由于选民错误或文书错误.

The counties featured on the interactive map are:

  • Maricopa County, Ariz.
  • Fulton County, Ga.
  • Wayne County, Mich.
  • Columbus, Durham, and Mecklenburg Counties, N.C.
  • Cuyahoga and Lorain Counties, Ohio
  • Allegheny and Philadelphia Counties, Pa.
  • Milwaukee County, Wis.

These large, diverse counties 提供了投票模式的关键快照,并将在今年秋天帮助决定白宫和国会控制权的州发挥关键作用.

这一分析还表明,关于非法投票普遍存在的阴谋论完全是错误的,不能被认真对待. These claims are used to sow distrust, 质疑选举结果,限制参与政治进程, amplifying the disparities that undermine our democracy.

“这些数据不仅对帮助我们了解上次选举至关重要, but future ones,” said Michael Latner, senior fellow at UCS. “它设定了一个底线,这样我们就可以发现即将到来的选举中的违规行为或问题. 它帮助组织和倡导者了解哪些人没有参与到这个过程中,并为他们提供了他们需要的工具来针对教育和投票率的努力. 它还会反击那些用来攻击选举过程的虚假信息.”

分析还显示了清晰、透明和随时可用的重要性 election data. Election data practices vary widely across states, counties, and even precincts, 更好的数据可以建立信任,改善政治进程.

For more on this analysis, check out blog posts by Liza Gordon-Rogers and Michael Latner.