


史蒂文Higashide is the director of the Clean 运输 program at the Union of Concerned Scientists. 在这个角色中, he oversees a team of technical experts, 政策主张, and campaign staff working to reduce climate emissions and air pollution from our transportation system, while improving community health and transportation equity. He has extensive experience working with a wide range of stakeholders including frontline and scientific communities, as well as policy leaders and members of the media.

在加入UCS之前,Mr. Higashide served as director of research for TransitCenter, a New-York-based foundation that supports innovations in urban transportation across the country. 在TransitCenter, he directed research on a variety of topics, including American attitudes toward public transit, the financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on transportation systems, and how to measure the equity of transit service. He developed policy guides and workshops to help cities enact transit-supportive policy and advised the National Campaign for Transit 正义, a network of dozens of local transit advocacy organizations. 在那之前, he was senior planner for the Tri-State 运输 Campaign, where he watchdogged 连接icut state transportation policy and helped pass laws protecting transportation funding and vulnerable road users.

Mr. Higashide is the author of the 2019 book Better Buses, Better Cities and a contributor to publications including The Atlantic, 管理, 和《617888九五至尊娱乐》. His research and insight have been widely cited by mainstream and industry media, 包括芝加哥论坛报, 纽约时报, 华盛顿邮报》, 《517888九五至尊娱乐》杂志, 和声音. He holds a BA from New York University in metropolitan studies, and a master’s in urban planning from New York University’s Wagner Graduate School of Public Service.


Higashide,年代. 2023. Never Again is Now: The 运输 Professions' Responsibility to Work Toward 正义. 在R. 被掠夺的,. 菲利普斯·德·卢卡斯,R. Retzlaff (Eds.), 正义 and the Interstates: The Racist Truth about Urban Highways (pp. 175-191). 台湾媒体.

布坎南,M.克鲁兹,J.院长,B.格里姆肖,J.东方靖,S.佩尔绍德,H.纽约州里维拉(Rivera., & Shankar P. 2021. Equity in Practice: A Guidebook for Transit Agencies. TransitCenter and Center for Neighborhood Technology.

Higashide,年代.理查森,r.r.弗里德,B.弗莱明,B.曼根,E., & 戈尔茨坦,年代. 2020. A Green New Deal for Urban and Suburban 运输. TransitCenter, 运输 for America, and the Ian McHarg Center.

Higashide,年代. 2019. Better Buses, Better Cities: How to Plan, Run, and Win the Fight for Effective Transit. 台湾媒体.

Higashide,年代. 2012. Biking and Walking: Fewer Funds, Greater Local Control, Planning & 环境法,64:10,9-11.