Firefighter standing near smoldering trees.
Dave McNew/Getty Images

加州 & 西方国家

Western states are the laboratory for cutting-edge climate policy—and we’re the lead scientist.

Western states are the laboratory for cutting-edge climate policy—and we’re the lead scientist.

毁灭性的大火. 巨大的洪水. Sweltering, worried communities.

The western United States is no stranger to climate change. In fact, it’s home to some of global warming’s most severe 影响—and they’re only getting worse.

But 西方国家 is also home to some of the most progressive climate policies in the world. From low-carbon fuel rules, 能源标准, 基础设施, and an evolving water system, western states are demonstrating how to constructively respond to climate change—and how to prevent its worst 影响.

From our regional office in Oakland, the Union of Concerned Scientists has advocated for climate, 能源, and transportation legislation for decades. We’re fighting for rules that cut carbon equitably, recognizing that policies won’t work if they ignore the communities most affected by climate change.

We’re also focused on the science. That’s what we’re bringing to Sacramento and beyond: the 事实 全球变暖的问题 影响,和 解决方案. 不是党派之争.

你可以帮忙. 访问我们的 活动中心 或者考虑 捐赠. This is a fight we all need to join.
