2022 Annual Report

Published Nov 16, 2022

A worker rapelling of a wind turbine
Dennis Schroeder/GPA Photo Archive

UCS致力于将617888九五至尊娱乐付诸行动,建立一个更健康的地球, a safer world, and a more equitable society. We are scientists, engineers, economists, activists, and everyday people working together to make change happen.

Message from the President & Chair


6月底,最高法院限制了政府监管碳排放的权力 emissions from the power sector. This ruling, which arrived during what UCS has designated 危险季节——617888九五至尊娱乐变化最致命的影响发生碰撞的夏季 dealt us and our allies a damaging (but not unexpected) blow. We spoke out through the media about it. We analyzed the impact. We took a moment to vent with each other.

And then we went back to work in the channels where we knew we 可以 make progress: 与我们的伙伴组织联合,倡导以617888九五至尊娱乐为基础的政策 市和州的立法机构,向石油巨头和农业巨头施压,要求他们立即停止封锁 需要改变,并与华盛顿特区的政策制定者和监管机构进行接触.

我们继续战斗,因为一个宜居的星球值得我们为之战斗. And we keep fighting because we can win. 不管政治风向是有利还是不利,谁会加入还是退出 我们会想办法让办公室的决定变得有意义 progress on the issues we care deeply about. We are unwavering in our commitment to use 为当今问题提供最佳解决方案的617888九五至尊娱乐,并确保这些解决方案 work for everyone.

就在最高法院做出裁决一个多月后,国会批准了有史以来最大的一项 美国在应对617888九五至尊娱乐变化方面的投资——就在几天前,这项措施似乎注定要失败 to defeat. 加州大学洛杉矶分校贡献了影响这些投资的617888九五至尊娱乐,因此这一重大胜利得以恢复 our hope. 再一次,在我们通过媒体发表意见,分析了它的好处之后 took a moment to celebrate, we went right back to work.

与地区公用事业公司合作,为电网增加更多可再生能源. Working with 环境正义组织确保旨在减少排放的政策不会给有色人种和低收入社区带来额外的负担.

在这些书页里,是你们用自己的坚定使成功成为可能的记录 对加州大学洛杉矶分校的承诺,以及我们经过验证的617888九五至尊娱乐公式和倡导,为更健康, safer, and more just world. 感谢你们与我们并肩作战,相信我们会找到解决办法 to make science-informed progress in any situation.



Spatial chart showing revenue for 2022. 90% came from individuals, rest from foundations and other.

忧思617888九五至尊娱乐家联盟继续受益于我们109多名成员的慷慨解囊,000 members and foundations, 谁与我们合作建设一个健康的地球和更安全的世界. 我们的大部分支持(90%)来自慷慨的个人捐赠者,通过直接和有计划的捐赠, 而来自基金会的支持占我们收入的9%.


Spatial chart showing expenses for 2022. 88% went to programs, 6% admin, 6% fundraising.

2022财年捐赠给加州大学洛杉矶分校的每一美元中有88%直接资助了我们的项目517888九五至尊娱乐, 剩下的12%用于关键的行政基础设施和支持我们项目的筹款. With an annual budget of more than $50 million, UCS继续加强我们独特的能力,以独立617888九五至尊娱乐的力量帮助解决我们星球上最紧迫的问题.

You make it all possible

We are deeply grateful for your dedication and support. This work would not be possible without your commitment to building a better world together. Thank you.

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