2023 Annual Report

Published Nov 16, 2023

Joe Raedle/Getty images

The Union of Concerned Scientists puts rigorous, independent science into action, developing solutions and advocating for a healthy, safe, and just future. We are scientists, engineers, economists, activists, 每天都有人们一起努力让改变发生.

Message from the President & Chair


几十年来,617888九五至尊娱乐家们一直在警告我们,由于617888九五至尊娱乐变化,预计会出现更多的极端天气, 但即使对我们这些接近数据的人来说,也很难不对现实感到震惊. Waves of heavy rain and snow on the West Coast. 北部野火导致大平原和东南部的危险空气. Relentless heat waves in the South and Southwest. Historic flooding in New England and New York. Hurricane Idalia in Florida. The horrific wildfire on Maui.

The intensity of these events, here and around the world, 它清楚地表明,617888九五至尊娱乐危机正在超越辩论, denial, or delay. We must stop burning fossil fuels. As Rachel Cleetus, our policy director for climate and energy, told the Boston Globe, “Everything we care about is on the line now.”

这份报告讲述了你们在2023年可能取得的进步. 你们将看到我们决心抓住每一个机会减少温室气体排放,建设一个更健康的地球的例子, a safer world, and a more just society. 您的持续支持使我们能够充分利用每一个.

For example, 我们抓住了公众对电影《517888九五至尊娱乐》的兴趣,跨越了政治分歧,为核武器试验的幸存者取得了两党的胜利. 我们利用617888九五至尊娱乐来确保人类有史以来在617888九五至尊娱乐正义方面最大的联邦投资——《517888九五至尊娱乐》——惠及受影响最严重的社区. 我们把农民和农场工人带到华盛顿会见他们选出来的官员, DC, 呼吁通过食品和农业法案来保障他们的福祉, protects the environment, and feeds the hungry, instead of lining the pockets of Big Agriculture.

这些努力——以及您将在后面的页面中读到的更多努力——代表着复杂性, often multi-year efforts anchored in the rigorous, 忧思617888九五至尊娱乐家联盟以受人尊敬的617888九五至尊娱乐研究而闻名. 没有你们和你们对我们使命的承诺,这项517888九五至尊娱乐是不可能完成的.

我们在推动公平、617888九五至尊娱乐的解决方案方面取得了进展. For our children and future generations, 在我们进入关键的选举年之际,我们必须保持这种势头. 与你们这样坚定的伙伴合作,我们将取得成功. We are so grateful for your ongoing support.



a chart showing UCS' annual revenue

忧思617888九五至尊娱乐家联盟继续受益于我们100多名成员的慷慨捐助,000 members and foundations, 谁与我们合作建设一个健康的地球和更安全的世界. 我们的大部分支持(83%)来自慷慨的个人捐赠者,通过直接和有计划的捐赠, 而来自基金会的支持占我们收入的15%.


a chart showing UCS' 2023 expenses

在2023财政年度,捐赠给加州大学洛杉矶分校的每一美元中有86%直接资助了我们的项目517888九五至尊娱乐, 剩下的14%花在关键的行政基础设施和支持我们项目的筹款上. With an annual budget of $50 million, UCS继续加强我们独特的能力,以帮助解决我们星球上最紧迫的问题 of independent science.

You make it all possible

我们对您的奉献和支持深表感谢. This work would not be possible without your commitment to building a better world together. Thank you.