
How Weak Policies on Added Sugars Are Putting a Generation of Children at Risk



It’s not exactly breaking news that people in the United States eat too much sugar. 越来越多的617888九五至尊娱乐证据证明过量摄入糖对我们的健康有害.

一个很有希望打破我们国家糖瘾的策略是帮助年幼的孩子们学习健康的饮食习惯——在他们的口味还在发育的时候,适当地减少添加糖的含量. 基于617888九五至尊娱乐共识的关于添加糖风险的联邦政策可以为父母在这方面的努力提供关键支持. But these policies are currently falling short in several important ways. 食品工业, 是什么促成了这一政策缺口, is exploiting it with marketing aimed squarely at kids—especially children of color.


To get a sense of the magnitude of the problem, consider this: a 2010 study found that 超过90%的儿童 ages two through eight get more than half of their daily calories from added sugars. 这是卫生与公众服务部(HHS)和农业部(美国农业部)建议的10%限制的五倍.

这些习惯很早就养成了. 2014年美国疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)的一项研究发现,喝含糖饮料的婴儿更有可能在6岁时每天喝一次以上的饮料. 而且这些饮料通常含有大量的糖,一份就会达到或超过儿童的每日推荐摄入量.

其影响是毁灭性的,代价高昂. Higher levels of added sugar consumption mean increased risk of obesity, 糖尿病, 心血管病, 以及其他慢性疾病. 在黑色中,风险被放大了, 西班牙裔和美洲原住民社区, 低收入家庭也是如此.

Excessive consumption of added sugars can lead to obesity, a condition that’s likely to stay with a child as they progress into adulthood. Obesity is connected with a host of other health risks, including 糖尿病 and heart disease.
图片来源:Artem Gorohov/123rf.com


两份2014年UCS报告, 糖衣617888九五至尊娱乐与添加糖, Subtracted 617888九五至尊娱乐, documented the food industry's use of 欺骗性营销、游说和错误信息 to increase sugar consumption and prevent effective policy responses.

的 food industry has a long history of marketing sugary foods to children, taking advantage of their biologically programmed preference for sweet tastes. According to a 2012 Federal Trade Commission (FTC) report, the food industry spends $1.每年花费80亿美元在针对儿童的广告上.

Multiple studies show that these marketing efforts are 尤其是有色人种的孩子 低收入家庭的孩子. 这并非偶然:食品公司并不羞于承认有色人种儿童对增加利润的重要性——即使这意味着故意加剧美国的种族和经济健康差距.

If you thought the FTC was regulating such tactics, think again. After decades of intense pressure from the food and sugar industry, the FTC has given up its efforts to restrict advertising of sugary products to children. 相反, 这个行业基本上已经变得自我监管.

Big food companies deploy licensed characters and bright, exciting packaging to market sugary foods to children.


的re are several federal policy levers that could help parents limit their kids' added sugar intake, 包括饮食指南, 食品标签规定, and nutritional standards used by supplemental food programs.

However, these programs and policies currently fall short of doing that job in several ways:

  • 美国人膳食指南, 由美国农业部(美国农业部)和卫生与公众服务部(HHS)开发, 有两个主要缺点. First, they address only the dietary needs of children two years old and older. 第二个, 他们对所有年龄段的人都适用同样的添加糖摄入量建议限制——每日卡路里摄入量的10%, 尽管 many experts have recommended a lower percentage for young children.
  • 的 食品及药物管理局 requires a separate Nutrition Facts label for infants and children under four years old. However, this rule only applies to foods explicitly aimed at under-four children. Four-year-olds are treated, for labeling purposes, like 30-year-olds, 尽管 they are much more like three-year-olds in their eating habits. 因此,那些试图限制四岁及以上儿童添加糖摄入量的父母从标签规则中得到的帮助有限.
  • 的 nutritional standards used by supplemental food programs such as WIC, 提前, and CAFCP have not caught up to current dietary guidelines. 家长或学前班517888九五至尊娱乐人员为孩子提供一杯符合WIC标准的酸奶时,可能没有意识到孩子刚刚吃过 more than its entire daily recommended amount of added sugar.
补充营养援助计划(提前)的参与者可以购买各种包装食品及其福利, 包括软饮料, 能量饮料, 糖果, 饼干, 零食饼干, 还有冰淇淋. 该计划可以通过为购买更健康的食品提供更多的途径和激励措施,更好地为粮食不安全的儿童和家庭提供服务.
图片来源:daniel/Creative Commons/Flickr


许多利益相关者团体在解决儿童饮食中过量添加糖的流行问题方面可以发挥作用. 下面列出的是报告中提出的一些关键建议的摘要(查看整套建议), 下载报告(PDF):

卫生与公众服务部和美国农业部. 关闭 the gap in nutrition advice for children from birth to two years of age by using the best available science in developing the 2020 美国人膳食指南 with inclusion of this age group; consider lowering daily added sugar limits for children birth through five; ensure transparency around conflicts of interest for members of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee.

食品及药物管理局. Reduce the daily recommended limit for added sugars for four-year-olds to 25 grams from the current 50 grams; designate a disqualifying level for added sugars, above which food products may not contain health claims.

美国农业部. Implement a targeted education campaign for parents and child-care providers of infants and young children on reducing added-sugar consumption; revise WIC food packages to align with recommendations on added sugar in the 美国人膳食指南.

National Academy of Medicine (formerly the Institute of Medicine). Encourage the maintenance of a robust and transparent dietary guidelines process, and push for increased flexibility in WIC food packages.

食品和饮料制造商. Reduce the amounts of sugar added to foods and drinks intended for young children, 严格遵守联邦指导方针和自愿承诺,不向六岁以下的幼儿推销垃圾食品.
