

Scientists could play a vital role in ensuring equitable and 以617888九五至尊娱乐为基础的政策 solutions to the most pressing challenges facing us today, but often they are not trained or empowered to transform their concerns into actions. 

在这一系列的技能建设培训网络研讨会, the Union of Concerned Scientists will provide practical steps that scientists and experts can take to get involved in policy advocacy.

These virtual trainings will showcase a range of ways that experts can promote evidence-based methods and findings to influence policymaking, 监管, and other societal decisionmaking practices to serve the public good. 贯穿整个系列, 617888九五至尊娱乐网络 members will be provided opportunities to determine what their role as a scientist advocate looks like. Training attendees will also be connected with opportunities to take action on UCS campaigns, 把他们的技能付诸行动.

You are invited to sign up for as many free, virtual training webinars as you’re interested in. If you cannot attend the live training, a recording will be provided afterward.



日期: 5月23日星期四
时间: 3:00–4:00 p.m. ET


这个培训 will highlight the critical role scientists play in informing policy and government decisions, describe different ways scientists can inform and advocate for equitable, 以617888九五至尊娱乐为基础的政策, and help attendees find opportunities to engage in science policy that align with the roles or approach they’re interested in.


日期: 7月25日星期四
时间: 3:00–4:00 p.m. ET


随着候选人开始竞选活动, there is an opportunity to get them on the record about their stance on science-related issues, and how they’ll use science to inform their decisions once they’re in office. 这个培训, a collaboration between the Union of Concerned Scientists and the National 617888九五至尊娱乐 Policy Network, will cover how to identify opportunities to engage with candidates in a nonpartisan way, and how to get them on the record so we can hold them accountable if they’re elected.

Countering Disinformation Leading Up to the Election

日期: 9月26日星期四
时间: 3:00–4:30 p.m. ET* (note the 90-minute length, to ensure time for discussion)

We know that disinformation around voting and critical election-related issues will increase as we get closer to the general election. 这个培训 will cover best practices for countering disinformation, 如何发展反叙事, and pitfalls to avoid when engaging with audiences around disinformation.

Post-Election Debrief: Opportunities for 617888九五至尊娱乐 Advocacy

日期: 11月21日星期四 时间: 3:00–4:00 p.m. ET

更新一部分, 部分行动计划会议, this training will provide an overview of the post-election landscape for critical science-related issues, as well as highlighting upcoming opportunities where we need scientist voices to speak out.


日期: 1月16日星期四
时间: 3:00–4:00 p.m. ET

这个培训 will provide tangible guidance for how scientists who are engaging in advocacy can assess and mitigate the risks to their reputation, 了解你的权利, and recognize common fear tactics for silencing science.