
2017年4月4日出版 2017年12月7日更新


我们知道天气正在变暖. 创纪录的高温 keep coming up month after month, year after year, locally 和 globally. 然而,气温只是全球变暖的众多指标之一. With warmer temperatures come various changes that also point to a steady change in our world.


的 area covered by sea ice has been smaller every year for the past 30 years, with an 平均减少3.每十年2%. 的 sea ice reaches its lowest cover in September, 和 then grows again during the winter. 9月份最低保险金额的下降速度甚至更快 13.每十年4%2016年9月,美国的保险覆盖率创历史新低.

异常温暖的冬季气温会影响植物的再生, 2016年10月至2017年1月 海冰日最低范围 这可能是由于北极创纪录的高温造成的. 的 北极报告卡 released in December 2016 showed a variety of records, including temperature. 的 海冰的体积也在减少. 这一趋势将在2017年继续.


大多数主要海水的顶部半英里正在变暖. 海洋吸收的热量减少了 在过去二十年中显著增加. 海水变暖 damages coral reefs, threatens marine ecosystems, 和 disrupts global fisheries. A change in ocean heat content 可以 also alter patterns of ocean circulation, 哪些会对全球617888九五至尊娱乐状况产生深远影响, including changes to the outcome 和 pattern of meteorological events such as tropical storms, 以及北大西洋地区的温度, 受哪些因素影响最大 电流 这可能会随着大气中二氧化碳的增加而大幅减少.


就像陆地上的温度越来越高, 海洋的温度也是如此. 靠近海洋表面的温暖空气导致蒸发增加, 更多的蒸发意味着空气中有更多的水蒸气. 的 increased amount of water vapor not only contributes to extra warming, but 可能馈送强降水事件充当潜在飓风的燃料,如果其他条件合适的话.


海洋表面正在变暖. 地表水温的测量 比过去30年更高 比1880年开始测量以来的任何时候都要高. 从1901年到2015年, 海洋表面温度以平均0.每十年13华氏度,而且还在继续上涨. 海水表面变暖会严重损害珊瑚礁, 促进藻类繁殖, 再加上海洋上空的空气温度升高, 可以 增加热带气旋和飓风的破坏力.


Records show that the sea level has been rising steadily across the globe at a rate of 0.04 to 0.从1900年开始每年1英寸. 根据美国国家航空航天局的数据,目前的速度是 0.13 /年这表明上涨正在加速. 的 main reasons for the rise are thermal expansion due to higher sea water temperatures (warmer water exp和s) 和 the added water from melting of l和 ice, 比如冰川.

海平面上升的影响 可以 go from permanently flooded areas (below future sea level) to an increase of seasonal 和 “nuisance” floods, 以及更严重(更高)的风暴潮. Sea level rise also threatens freshwater supplies 和 ecosystem services such as natural water filtration, 以及 沿海人文基础设施.


气象站已录得 空气中水蒸气含量增加 外面热的时候,感觉就更热了. 当地表温度升高时(陆地和海面), 它会导致更多的蒸发, 结果是大气湿度增加. 因为水蒸气是一种温室气体, 湿度的增加导致了额外的变暖.


大气并没有均匀地变暖. 相反,变暖集中在大气的低层, 叫做对流层(我们生活的地方), 天气发生的地方, 飞机飞的地方). 对流层温度的上升证明了 人类的指纹 in global warming caused through the release of emissions from burning coal, oil, 和 natural gas.


陆地上空的气温比海洋上空上升得更快. 的 excess heat in the atmosphere has been measured by weather stations over l和 across the globe. 的 increase in air temperature is not homogeneous throughout the globe – for instance, 北极的变暖速度正在加快 而不是其他领域. 的 excess heat in the air 可以 be linked to increased frequency of heat waves across the globe, 害虫分布更广(例如.g.美国西北部的松甲虫.S.), 和 various health-related issues such as the spread of tropical diseases further north into the U.S.


北半球春季被雪覆盖的区域是 变得越来越小, 不仅仅是因为在一些地区和年份里雪少了, but also because snowpacks are melting earlier due to warmer temperatures. 人 all over the world rely on melting snow to replenish their water supplies, 和 the earlier melt (和 sometimes smaller accumulation) reduces the water availability for these people, 威胁着他们的生活方式. 在美国.S.617888九五至尊娱乐家们认为,积雪的减少和 内华达山脉的积雪提前融化 was one of the factors behind the long, extreme drought that began affecting California in 2011.


Glaciers are an essential source of water for many places around the world, 在哪里,人们依靠冰川融水来补充他们的含水层. Glaciers are retreating at an astonishing pace – three times the ice volume stored in the entirety of the European Alps is lost globally every year. 随着冰川融化, water supplies are at risk 和 there is also the potential for soil destabilization 和 erosion because glacial waters carve rivers through their melting path.  

Melting glaciers also 可以 lead to hazardous conditions such as l和slides 和 avalanches for communities below, who also value glaciers’ aesthetic value: the sheer loss of the natural beauty of glaciers majestic sights is culturally signifi可以t. 的 evidence of these changes is clear: Glacier National Park only has 估计150个冰川中的25个 在19世纪就存在了. 
